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In a realm beyond the constraints of time and space, where the very fabric of reality is woven with magic and wonder, this majestic being cast its gaze upon the world of humans. Enveloped in a shimmering aura of ancient power and wisdom, this ethereal entity beheld the wonders and frailties of mortal existence with a mix of awe and envy.

Driven by Envy and an insatiable curiosity and a longing to experience the myriad emotions that danced within the hearts of humanity, the being made a fateful choice. It willingly shed its celestial form, surrendering the comforts of its ethereal abode, and emerged into the mortal realm as a woman...

“Echoes of My Thoughts”
a book of Poetry

Is a deeply introspective and personal memoir that takes readers on a journey through my mind. Exploring thoughts at a specific point in time, the book delves into my innermost musings and reflects back on the emotions, events, and experiences that influenced them.

Through a series of Poems, readers are brought into my world as I examine a range of thoughts and topics. From random musings about the world around me to deep and profound insights gained through meditation and self-reflection, this book is a window into my thoughts and how complex and fascinating mind works.

As each chapter unfolds, readers are invited to take a closer look, to reflect on their own experiences, and to embrace the power of introspection and mindfulness. Ultimately, “Echoes of My Thoughts” is a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery and the journey toward inner peace


Khari Obadiah walked into the Museum of African American Art in Queens, New York, and immediately, his eyes caught the African Bata drum on display. As he walked closer to the drum, he felt a familiar sensation he could not explain or shake off, a feeling of knowing. It was as if he was intentionally being drawn to the drum by some magnetic force. Like a daredevil, he ignored the sign that clearly said, “DO NOT TOUCH”. Perhaps there was something else that drove him.
Next thing he knew, he tapped on the Ancient Bata Drum. Immediately a feverish chill overwhelmed him. A force field suddenly formed around the drum oozing an aura that could be felt by everyone in the room. This was followed by what felt like a jolt of electric current that knocked him out. Unknown to him he had a connection to the drum that ran very deep, a connection that was otherworldly, that predated many generations and his current existence.
Khari had just opened the portal to another realm and the Spirit of Ayandele had just possessed him, igniting a series of events that would make an almost forgotten ancient prophecy to be fulfilled on another continent…
"A riveting tale of destiny that will inspire every generation."

What if your nightmare was actually someone else's life you are experiencing?
Kahina suddenly wakes up from a coma and realizes what she thought was a nightmare was actually a vision of what is about to happen to Afeni a woman she has never met.
Will fate allow her to catch up to Afeni to warn her of the impending danger that's about to unfold in her life? or will Kahina allow Fate run its course...?


coming soon...

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"curiosity kills the Cat?"

       Curiosity led Jake on the run after he called a mysterious number on a card he found on the street, He soon realized that the not-so-good life he once had, had just gotten even more complicated and had been invaded by a caller he only knows as ‘The Voice,” and now he is not in control of his own life anymore.

He must continue to do what the “The Voice” says to stay alive, as his only way out is to plunge himself into that darkness that only holds a scrawny flicker of light.

A mind-bending story that will keep your heart thumping and on edge...


Demilade and the golden Egg

               It's a plague! End of days! Some of the town's people scream,
In a small town of "Ohkemesy," the sky suddenly turned green and the water turned red... people left town in droves, Even the King and his chiefs were confused as no solutions were in sight.
               But one night the King fell into a deep sleep and had a dream, he was visited by the Guardians of the land and was told someone must retrieve the Golden Egg from the Forest of Riddles" in order for things to go back to normal.
                Demilade is a very poor boy who lives on the outskirts of the town with his parent, when all hope seems lost, Demilade decides to volunteer to retrieve the Golden Egg, and he journeys into the Forest of Riddles.
                  Will Demilade retrieve the Golden Egg to save his town or will he be lost in the Forest of riddles like many that had tried in the past...

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