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The Meet

     Meet Steven Adebanji, Originally from Lagos Nigeria. He presently resides in Los Angeles California.

I was introduced to Steven and his vibrant, bold work. Specializing in Portraits, Steven's pieces depict the mental state of his subjects at a moment in time.

   They stare back at the viewer and challenge us to ponder some deeper philosophical questions about ourselves.

What major influence made you who you are right now? Do you live believing the world is against you? How much of your life looks like that of someone you know? Do you make vanity a priority? Are you being authentic? Do you share your joy with others? 

    These questions can get heavy when we are in the grind of the day to day routines and habits but Steven's artistic message is one of love for the human mind.

     Therefore in ode to him today, be honest with yourself, live authentically, and love yourself and others. Mostly, just be a good person. I hope his work inspires you as much as it did me...


In his own words;

I love cross referencing the emotive powers behind writing and painting, I capture and depict my subjects base on how I am feeling at a particular point in time and relatively I use my words to draw my viewers into my thought processes.

The very act of producing art can create a lively burst of energy that allows a person to release inner feelings he or she has suppressed. There are many instances where peoples’ desire to re-emerge into society after having been shut down by traumatic circumstance results in their becoming Artists.










Steven Adebanji- Visual Artist|Writer

For others who are already artists, a traumatic event or situation can change their thinking, their surroundings, and oftentimes their Concept of visual design...Through the twists and turns in my art career, I've faced many challenges that have made my art appreciation the way it is today. Confidence is the main key to developing art that satisfies you,” “Some artists are in it to only please others, but I believe you must first please yourself then others will be pleased.” This way my art is at its best when I am able to be passionate about my projection...

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